Monday, October 26, 2009

Painting Tip: Painting Baseboards

It's a little tricky painting baseboards. Generally the baseboard is a different color from the walls, so there's all that cutting in to do. Use heavy cardboard or stiff, thick paper on the carpet or floor so you can paint a nice clean bottom edge and keep your floor clean. Be sure to leave the cardboard there until the paint is completely dry.
You can paint the top of the baseboard without taping if you want, but you have to have a really steady hand to avoid getting paint on the wall. Your best bet is to buy a high quality painters tape and make sure it's evenly applied so the edge is nice and clean. I recommend the tape, especially for DIY'ers - much less aggravation.
Of course you're painting your baseboard with a brush (as opposed to a roller) and you want to make sure you're not leaving streaks. So the brush you use is really important. Don't buy a cheap paint brush - your baseboard will look like that's what you used. Expect to spend around $15 for a 3" brush.
Once you've done the prep work you can go ahead and paint. If you follow these tips and take your time you'll have fabulous, professional-looking baseboards. Have fun! And if it doesn't sound like fun, call me. I think it's a blast! 312.420.2367.

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